Reston Community Orchestra’s 2024-2025 Concert Series is supported, in part, by ArtsFairfax, the Virginia Commission for the Arts, which receives support from the Virginia General Assembly and the National Endowment for the Arts, a federal agency, and the generous donations of its members and supporters.

Concert Underwriter $2500+
Arts Fairfax
Conductor’s Circle $1000-$2500
Allison Amram
Samuel & Judith Barker Charitable Foundation
Michael Horowitz
Dr. Jasmine Moghissi
Jann & David Tiller
Patricia & Kurt Usowski
Symphony $500-$999
Lisa Barker
Carol Giles
Kathy and Tim Johnson
Lloyd & Joellyn Kinzer
Julie Nash
Meg & John Paganelli
Faith Zuniga Piano Studio
Concerto $250-$499
Linda Braley
Betty Brody
Tammy Chang
Michael Chung
David Conroy
Allyson Cox
Stephanie Fouse
Debra Gruen
Shirley Harkness
Christine Horting
Bonnie Hudson
Tayler Johnson
Gloria Lammers
Rachel London
Duane Ludwig
Lauren Ludwig
Ann Mandelbaum
Lisa Marfurt
Bill Miller
Oracle Corp.
Susan Patelunas
Robin Petrusak
Michelle Pierce
Gus Reinfried
Allison Richards
Chris Rudyj
Fred Rupert
Giorgio Secondi
Carol Sheppard
Laddie Suk
Ann Summerson
Patricia Trillet
Kristen Wilson
Sonata $100-$249
Jean & Arthur Banks
Mark Irchai
Mary D. Jackson
Anton, Qi, & Fei
Melinda Lis & Leslie Coker
Yoo-Jung Kong
Susan Meeks-Versteeg
Carolyn Meredith
Patricia L. Monahan
Judith Noren
Lisa Paradis
Ken & Jane Plum
Barbara Schell
Ryan Schmelz
Anton Usowski
Overture $25-$99
Neale Ainsfield
Deborah Aschenbach
Beth Callsen
Susan M. Johnson
Yvonne Kauffman
Cecelia Lynn
JoAnne Norton
Ed Robichaud
John C & Ann Marie Scalea
Noel Whittaker
Kirsten Wolfe
Friend <$25
Sheena Morgan
updated Jan. 1, 2024